Page 9 - Adazin
P. 9
Unconditional Relative with dazzling daisies and ruby rose,
orange marigold and fruitful berries. It
felt like heaven staying in the midst of
the bustling city. I still have that small
seat where the little me used to
wonder about stars. Growing up in such a
scenario where my eyes have seen pollution and
my soul has felt the beauty of nature,I will always
have to strive to strike a balance between our
progress and nature’s preservation.
Slowly and gradually the time was passing and
my poetic mind started to realise how inhuman we
have been to Mother Nature who carries us in her
lap. What is the fun in cutting down of trees? I
wonder how people’s brain release melatonin
after they take a life away. Nature is the ultimate
mother! She deserves respect. She deserves
care. She deserves to prosper.
We cannot be so inhuman to her, we need to pay
her debt of life. No matter how much it costs, no
matter whatever it takes… why not appreciate the
dissolute fragrance in fruity air, the glittering
sunshine and tropical delights? Why not fall in
Mehul Chakraborty, VII F (DB) love with the beauty of our mother nature. I can
Being born in a metropolitan city my eyes shout on the top of my voice to change it. He is
searched for green. In greys and blacks and dead! You have killed him. You all have killed
smokes and fires my eyes searched for the him." My mother screamed when her 10 year old
pleasing blues. son died of asthma.
My mother set up a small garden in my balcony Aditya Praveen Pandey, IX B (DS)
Photography Is My Passion
Photography is the
art of capturing
things that we see
around us. It is a
great form of art.
Photography has many
divisions like wildlife, nature,
real-life, etc. friends, I found my dearest
Photography is my passion, it’s friend “My Camera.” Every
my hobby and I just love to click afternoon at about 4:30 pm
photographs. When I was seven when I havenothing to do I
years old, my fatherbought me a spend time with my camera
camera, it was my first camera. capturing nature and its hidden
Over the years my passion for secrets all around my house. In
photography has increased. these few days I have seen so
My first teacher was my father many new things which I have
and he still is. My mother and never hopedto see or thought to
grandmother have also exist. I think not, that this is the
supported me. I love nature and end to my photographic
am very fond of capturing nature adventures.I expect to see and
and other living creatures. capture many more beautiful
During this long stretch of the situation when I am physically things through my photography.
lockdown due to the pandemic detached from my school and Mayukh Roy, X A (DB)