Page 14 - Adazin
P. 14
Lock Down Dodo’s Trip to Mars
Dodo, a
little boy
was very
excited to
Mars. But, he did not
have money to buy a water and aliens. But
rocket. So he worked he could not find such
hard to earn money. things. His food and
One day, he had water were about to
enough money and he finish. So he planned to
bought a rocket. Then return home. He got
he went to Mars in this into the spacecraft and
rocket. When in Mars, reached Earth with
he saw red rocks and many photographs of
Souhridya Basak II D the hypergiant volcano Mars. His parents and
Olympus Mons. He friends were very proud
During the summer vacation my father was very excited and of him.
bought me one parrot because I love happy. He then started Subhayu Samanta - II
birds. She was very good and I used searching for plants, B (DS)
to feed her and tried to talk to her. But
I felt she was unhappy since she was
locked in a cage. My Teacher
On a Sunday, when my father was at home, and
we were enjoying the day together, I asked him if My teacher is very wise. I love her
I could set the parrot free? So that it may enjoy its for her true advice. She gives us the
life with the other birds. My father replied, “Yes, wings to fly and shows us the great
why not?” sky. She helps us learn more and
I set the parrot free and she flew away up into the more and gets happy when we
air, free from her cage. I was very happy to see score. She loves us from her heart’s core. I’ll
her free in her own world. make her proud every day for sure.
SouhridyaBasak, II D Ayush Chatterjee, I B (DS)
Friends Corona
Friends mean with whom we love to play
With whom we play with colour and clay.
Friends mean with whom we want to talk
And with whom we want to go to the park. Sanchayita Banerjee III B (DB)
Those are the real friends.
I love my friends very much.
Tritha Roy I D (DS)
Corona corona listen to us,
You are destroying the whole world
Never ever come again,
We are missing our friends.
We used to go to school,
Then life was so wonderful.
You changed everything,
We forgot to smile.
Next year I pray to god,
Corona would be lost.
Adrika Mukhopadhyay
Anvita Roy, IV C (DS) III B (DB) Rohini Paul, I A (DS)