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04                                                             SCHOOL HAPPENINGS

                                       Teacher’s Day Reflections

               This year I celebrated teachers' Day with The present crisis situation had not lowered
               the  students  of  XB  DB  virtually.  The the spirit of the students to celebrate and
               students  put  up  an  amazing  show thank their teachers virtually. I was touched
               comprising  beautiful  videos  including by the flood of messages, videos and lovely
               songs,  instrumentation  and  a  skit.  The write-ups from all my students. Thank you
               vigour with which they compiled the one students  for  making  this  Teachers  day
               hour  show  is  worth  appreciation.  I  wish memorable in a very unique way.
               them all the best in life.                      Vandana Mantri
               Tuhina Mukherjee                                Department  of  Political  Science  and
               Physics Department                              History
               --------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------
               Adamas  International  School  students         In  spite  of  the  school  being  closed  the
               celebrated     Teacher's     Day    on    5th   young  generation  did  not  sit  back  in  the
               September 2020 in a unique way. The love        pandemic  situation  but  prepared  dance,
               and  respect  shown  by  the  students  was     songs,  recitation  and  drama  for  us
               overwhelming.  Students  showed  their          teachers.     The     compiled      delightful
               gratitude  and  love  virtually  which  was     performances of the students, their wishes
               exuberating.                                    and  effort  to  reach  me  made  my  heart
               Rubi Sarkar                                     contended.  The  students  made  every
               Co-Ordinator Chemistry (6-8 Classes)            moment  of  my  day  cherishable  and
               --------------------------------------------------------  memorable.
               The Covid-19 pandemic restrictions did not      Rita Banerjee
                                                               Geography Department
               dampen the enthusiasm of our students to        --------------------------------------------------------
               celebrate  Teacher’s  Day  this  year.  They    2020 has, among other things, exposed the
               came up with creative ways to thank their       adaptiveness of the human mind. Just as
               teachers, albeit virtually.                     we teachers continue to adapt to the online
               Through  a  virtual  cultural  programme        format  of  teaching-  learning,  I  feel
               students celebrated their teachers through      overwhelmed  by  the  enthusiasm  and
               song,  dance,  recitation  which  was           panache  with  which  our  dear  students
               thoroughly enjoyed and much appreciated         planned, acknowledged and celebrated our
               by us teachers at Adamas.                       role in their lives via the virtual platform.
               Talha Hussain                                   Thank you dears….we miss you.
               Commerce Department                             KakoliSengupta
               --------------------------------------------------------  Commerce Department
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