Page 7 - Adazin
P. 7
Say Hey To The Madman!
started pouring down onto us. I ran out to collect
my clothes with the mildest of desires. By the time
I came running outside, the clothes were already
soaked. I took them in and kept them on the chair.
I lazily crawled back to my couch. It didn’t take me
Sitting on my couch in a warm long to plunge into a deep sleep, considering the
evening, my thoughts took me back to weather was cool, though still deafening! By the
the time, thinking about which my time I woke up, the sun had dived into the horizon,
mind becomes puzzled. I might sound the rain had stopped pouring and the surrounding
a bit weird but yes, I am one of those was rather very quiet and calm. The silence was
people who decided to settle in a countryside from broken by a high-pitched noise, which I assumed
a well flourished urban area expecting to get rid to be the sound of a utensil dropping. I was
of troubles from my life. Let me confess, it was the convinced it was a mere cat in the kitchen, so I
dumbest decision I ever took in my life. I am pretty lazily walked towards the kitchen door. A swift
sure you must have heard people migrating to sudden movement just an inch or two away
countrysides and achieving moksha; but believe alerted me. “It can’t be a cat”, I said to myself.
me things become worse here. It feels like you I was very scared.Thinking that a burglar had
have stepped into hell’s gate from the entrance of broken into my house.But after gathering courage,
a Michelin-star restaurant or sadly, it might be I opened the door, with a broom gripped tightly in
even worse, but I can’t explain it in words. You my right hand. I was horrified to see that it was a
won’t be able to bear it in the beginning and even mice. A measly, mice capable of causing plague
if you give it more time and try to cope-up with it, and could more easily infect your body with
you will start to hate it more and more and blame Hantavirus than you can! The evil pest was
yourself every second for taking into consideration plundering my kitchen in my absence, and
such a ridiculous idea. escaped as soon as it experienced my thundering
So, let’s take you back to when it all started. The presence.It bolted through the kitchen door and
day was pretty gloomy with dark clouds entered my bedroom. By the time I got into the
enveloping the entire sky with roars of deafening bedroom, all I could see was death and
thunder. I was resting on my couch, as usual, destruction! It had already gnawed apart my
eyes shut in despair of regaining my strength to favourite (and only) pillow and had ravaged my
even stand up. After a few moments, the heavens bed into plundered land. I decided to break the
law for the first time in my life, and my downfall
started right away. I had walked to the point of no
return, I was a criminal now. So, I decided to do
what a criminal would! I scooped the mice up with
my broom and flung it outside though the window.
After cleaning the mess up and washing all my
utensils and bed cover with Purell, I suddenly
heard a window break in the living room. When I
got there, I saw a red cricket ball lying on the
ground. I immediately realized that it belonged to
the neighbour’s kid, who played cricket with his
goat on the roof. It was the third time in this very
month that he broke my window. He never admits
to have broken my window, and the kid’s parents
don’t believe what I say. I always have to repair it
at my own expense. On top of that, whenever I
complain about the kid, he throws another red ball
at my eye socket, which promptly turns it blue, not
red, surprisingly! His behavior is pretty
reasonable! Every man defends his wife and so
did this boy, who had married the goat
immediately before his father was going to turn
Bitasta Mukhopadhyay, IX D (DB) contd. page 8