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International School
Editorial Award 2020
contd. After page 2
in collaboration with our partner schools
– Corona Secondary School (Nigeria),
Chehelsoton Girls High School
(Afghanistan), Mahjoba Herawi high
school (Afghanistan), Shree Adhunik
Rashtriya Secondary School (Nepal) and
Gaidakot Namuna Awasiya secondary
school (Nepal)- provided great exposure
The festive season beckons us with the
arrival of October. Mahalaya is already to learners as they shared their work and
behind us, but 2020 has turned out to be a experiences over skype sessions. This
strange year in more ways than one. The not only enhanced their interest in global
biggest festival of Kolkata, Durga Puja, is issues but also helped them to evolve as
almost a month away. The raging pandemic global citizens with empathy and respect
has halted us temporarily, but I am sure it will for other cultures. These projects and
not dampen the festive spirit of Indians. interactions have led to self development
Students too should immerse themselves in
this annual celebration, albeit with caution. and enhancement of self confidence and
Adamas International School has been self-esteem in learners. A tremendous
continuing the online classes with great sense of accomplishment upon
gusto and satisfactory success. For those completion of the projects has
students who are serious, it has thrown up encouraged young minds to evolve as
great opportunities of new ways of learning. independent learners with individual
Many have learnt several new skills.
Students have also participated in virtual opinion and leadership qualities.
competitions both at national and The evidence based 400-page dossier
international levels and won accolades. was submitted to the British Council for
Teachers and the rest of us also learnt accreditation and the school has been
several new techniques and skills which successfully awarded with the British
perhaps we would never have attempted to
acquire. Above all, as students themselves Council international school award for the
have claimed, family bonding has period 2020-23.
strengthened immensely. So while we are The awards process is rigorous and a
trying to deal with the situation and trying to detailed evaluation has to be submitted.
stay safe, let us be grateful for the many
positives it has provided. This reflects a year to eighteen months of
The final term is about to commence. I would involvement. Once again, our wonderful
urge the students to take this academic year children did us proud! The positive
as a challenge and ensure that they don’t feedback from the British Council
lose focus on their main objective.. that of awarding body reflects this.
good results. How they fare in the year end
examinations and in the coming years will be We, in Adamas, believe that achieving
actual proof of the triumph of the human the international school award is not the
mind and endeavour. I am sure our students end of the journey but just a step forward
will emerge victorious.
in building of a stronger global
community. We thank and look forward to
Mittra Sinha Roy
Principal continuing the learning process under the
guidance of the British Council.