How to Help Your Child Have a Good School Year?

A student in a school year goes through a lot of things such as class tests, half-yearly exams, final exams, various competitions, learning new skills, and many more things. Sometimes they excel, and sometimes they fail. Both success and failures are equally important. Winning helps in boosting their confidence, and failing provides an opportunity to analyse their mistakes. Parents can play an important role in helping their children to have a good school year. As one of the best ICSE schools in Kolkata
Here are the top suggestions
Be Supportive
Parents need to be supportive and cooperative. They should tell their child the importance of the efforts they put into reaching their goals. During any failure, they both should analyse the mistakes and work together to not repeat them in the future. This will help them perform better at school.
Encourage Them to Try New Things
Academics are important, but parents need to understand that for personality development, co-curricular activities are equally important. They should encourage their child to take part in various competitions organised by schools and should also motivate them to learn new skills such as dancing, swimming, a new language, or playing a musical instrument
Adamas International School believes in the overall development and grooming of the child and thus extends the facilities of 18+ extra-curricular activities. The students, with guidance from parents and teachers, can select any of the extra-curricular activities as per their interest and potential. There are expert mentors to teach the students, participate in relevant competitions at state, national and international levels.
Help Them Create a Schedule
Parents can help their children by creating a daily schedule. The schedule provides clarity to your child about the task that needs to be done within a timeframe. Parents can help children prioritise tasks.
Help Them to Have a Diversified Learning Experience
Parents can involve themselves in various activities to make their studies fun. There are various fun and mobile educational applications that they can download for a better understanding of topics. They can also devote separate time to playing and studying with their child
Help Them Develop Good Study Habits
Some of the easiest and common practices that parents can take up are:
1. Tell them to use their study table and chair while studying.
2. Ask them to read aloud, it will help in developing good communication skills.
3. Tell them to take small breaks in between their study schedule.
4. Drinking a good amount of water during study.
5. Study in a distraction free environment and avoid using digital devices while studying.
6. Ask them to make their own notes and revise them as much as possible.
The Importance of Sleep, the Golden 7-8 Hours
Proper sleep of 7 to 8 hours is necessary to keep your child active throughout the day. As a parent, you should ensure that they are going to sleep on time and waking up on time; this will help in creating a good sleep schedule. Sleep deprivation can affect their productivity during school and further hamper their grades.
To ensure the best of experience during the developmental phase of the child, Adamas International School believes in providing opportunities to its students to discover passion and evolve their talents. In addition to quality education, we focus on co-curricular activities that help in the development of their personalities.