Grand Day at 6th International Karate Championship
July 2022 ended with a grand celebration for Adamas International School.
The 6th International Karate Championship was held at Netaji Indoor Stadium, Kolkata. The students of junior school, middle school and higher classes participated in it with students from various schools of Nepal, Bangladesh, Srilanka, South Africa, East Timur, Afghanistan, Bhutan and India. Over 2000 students from these countries took part in the championship.
The event was a 2-day affair and marked nail biting excitement as students compete against each other. Adamites wiped out their opponents and won a count of 48 medals at the event!
Adamas International School won 16 Gold, 6 Silver and 26 Bronze medals at the Championship.
Here is the details list of all our winners:
Gold Winners 
- Swarnavo Saha, III C (D.B) – Kata Category
- Shaarav Kumar, IV A (D.B) – Kata Category
- Shinjan Das, IV C (D.B) – Kata Category
- Aniket Kumaar Bhattacharjee, V B (D.B) – Kata Category
- Aishik Basu Ballav, IX A (D.B) – Kata Category
- Rudrajeet Basak, IX E (D.B) – Kata & Kumite Category
- Suranjan Das, XI C Commerce – Kumite Category
- Rupkatha Dutt, XII Humanities – Kata & Kumite Category
- Yash Prasad Shaw, VIII D (D.B) – Kumite Category
- Anushka Sarkar, VII A (DS) – Kata & Kumite Category
- Priyasha Mullick, VIII A (DS) – Kata Category
- Debotam Das, VIII B (DS) – Kata & Kumite Category
Silver Winners 
- Sharoni Satpati, V B (DB) – Kata Category
- Ujaan Roy, XI Science – Kata & Kumite Category
- Yash Prasad Shaw, VIII D (D.B) – Kata Category
- Debanjana Bhattacharya, IV A (D.B) – Kata Category
- Abhirup Maity, X C (DB) – Kumite Category
Bronze Winners 
- Taksh Goel, I A (D.B) – Kata Category
- Debopratim Bhattacharya, III A (D.B) – Kata Category
- Janisha Goel, III A (D.B) – Kata Category
- Mayuri Raj, III A (D.B) – Kata Category
- Riddhima Shaw, IV B (D.B) – Kata Category
- Shinjan Das, IV C (D.B) – Kumite Category
- Debjeet Das, IV D (D.B) – Kata Category
- Anmol Sarkar, V B (D.B) – Kata Category
- Samriddha Dey, V B (D.B) – Kata Category
- Abhinav Shaw, V B (D.B) – Kata Category
- Shagun Thakur, V B (D.B) – Kata Category
- Adrij Bhattacharya, V B (D.B) – Kata Category
- Paarth Jhawer, VII A (D.B) – Kata Category
- Vedika Agarwal, VII B (D.B) – Kata Category
- Adhyan Balasia, VII B (D.B) -Kata Category
- Priyasha Mullick, VII B (D.B) – Kata Category
- Nairity Chakraborty, VIII A (D.B) – Kata Category
- Jiah Sethi, IX B (D.B) – Kata Category
- Souharda Roy, IX C (D.B) – Kata Category
- Priyanshu Choudhury, IX C (D.B) – Kata Category
- Srishti chakraborty, IX D (D.B) – Kata Category
- Arya Banerjee, IX E (D.B) – Kata Category
- Garv Agarwal, IX E (D.B) – Kata Category
- Ryan Chakraborty, IX E (D.B) – Kata Category
- Raima Ghosh, VIII D (DS) – Kata Category
- Rudranil Mukherjee, IX B (DS) – Kata Category