At Adamas we endeavor towards all round development of a child. We believe that integrity and honesty in thought, speech and action makes a good citizen which not only results in high academic attainment but also contributes in building a successful career. Good behavior and discipline are key foundation to success. This is expected not only from the students but also from parents, teachers and non-teaching staffs. Without an orderly atmosphere effective teaching and learning cannot take place. We expect and insist on the highest standards of behavior throughout our school. Courtesy, good manners and consideration for others, together with self-discipline and proper respect for authority, are expected at all times and are important to make our school a true, caring community. Rules are essential for the benefit of all in any community and we try to keep these as simple as possible, but we do expect them to be kept.
Code of conduct for Students:
- Students are required to be polite and disciplined wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by the conduct of its students. They should greet all the teachers whenever and wherever they meet them.
- Bullying is strictly prohibited and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished.
- Students are required to accept and complete the assignments / projects given to them within the stipulated time frame.
- Students are required to respect the aesthetics of the classroom and of the school premises and report any damage caused, to the teachers. Any damage done to the school property must be made good by the offender(s). Additionally, the school may impose such other penalty as may be deemed fit and proper.
- Students should keep their classrooms and laboratories clean and take care of the school furniture.
- Throwing things outside the window, physically hurting anyone inside the classroom, in the corridor or outside the school, throwing any object at anyone is strictly prohibited.
- Our students should have decent hair-style. Unnatural hair-style / dying hair is not permitted.
- Students are not allowed to use any electronic gadget like Mobile Phone, Camera, Tablet, Laptop, iPod, CD/DVD etc. during school hours without taking prior permission from the Principal’s office.
- Permission in writing is required, to carry a camera to photograph the school activity in or outside school. Uploading of any such photograph or video in social media is strictly prohibited. Any student indulging in such an activity on the social media will face disciplinary action.
- Posting of content on social media with regard to any other students and/or the school and/or any of its teaching and non – teaching staffs is strictly prohibited.
- Groups created on social media platform by the school and / or its teachers are for the convenience of students and for communication of general information and posting of any adverse comments in such groups is strictly prohibited.
- Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is not permitted.
- Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Each item should be marked with pupil’s name, class, roll number and section as far as possible.
- Bursting crackers or splashing colors during Diwali/Holi or any other occasion within the school premises or in school buses is strictly prohibited. Non-compliance may result in expulsion from the school.
- Participation in games, physical activities, cultural programs, School festivals and functions are compulsory. Exemption will be granted on medical grounds only.
- Students shall not be allowed to leave the school during school hours without written permission of the Principal.
- Recurring and irregular attendance, dishonesty, immoral conduct, neglect of home-work, disrespect towards the teaching as well as non-teaching staff, violation of rules and regulations and code of conduct shall justify dismissal.
Code of conduct for Parents / Guardians:
- Parents are requested to read the rules and regulations and code of conduct, as published by the School from time to time.
- Any urgent message may be communicated at the school reception telephonically. Phone calls from parents for any teacher or student during the school hours shall not be entertained.
- Parents/Guardians are not permitted to enter class rooms to meet their children or to seek unscheduled interview with teachers during school hours. Parents are requested to take prior appointment for meeting the class teacher.
- In case of emergency, parents/guardians are requested to meet the Principal for consultation and advise. Once the child has come to the school, parents and guardians are not permitted to take him/her back home during the school hours without seeking permission from the Principal.
- School teachers are not allowed to take private tuitions under any circumstances. Any irregularity in this regard should be communicated to the school office immediately.
- In case of any grievance or complaint the same should be addressed to the office of the Principal in writing in individual capacity. Indulgence, participation, promotion of any type of agitation directly or indirectly, including through social media, for grievance or complaint, suggestions, demand, opinion related to any and every school matter and schools’ policies are strictly prohibited. Violation shall attract disciplinary proceeding.
- Uploading of any material/information on social media, pertaining to the School, is not permitted.
- Parents are requested to switch off their mobile phone in school premises.
- Parents are requested to sign the reports, test papers, teacher’s remarks in the notebooks/school Diary so that they are well informed with the progress of their child. They are also requested to visit the teachers whenever called or on Parent Teacher Meeting’.
- Parents should carry out their responsibilities as joint educators in instilling in their children respect and strict adherence to all school rules.
- In case of change in address and/or contact details of Parents, the same should be immediately communicated to the school in writing.
Code of conduct for Teaching /Non Teaching Staffs:
The teaching and non – teaching staffs are required to:
- treat all students with love and affection and be just and impartial to all irrespective of caste, creed, sex, status, religion, language and place of birth;
- refrain from divulging any personal and confidential information about students subject to statutory compliance;
- respect basic human dignity of children while maintaining discipline in the school;
- seek to establish cordial relations with parents/ guardians and give due respect to them;
- treat other members of the school in the same manner as he/ she himself/herself wishes to be treated;
- avoid making any derogatory statements about students, parents, colleagues.;
- refrain from posting any material on the social media, with regard to the school, without permission from the School authorities;
- refrain from taking private tuitions with or without any consideration. In the event of imparting of education for charitable cause prior permission in writing should be taken from the Principal.
The School has constituted a Disciplinary Committee which will monitor the activities of the students, parents, teaching and non teaching staffs. The Disciplinary Committee comprises of:
- Mallika Roy, Director, Adamas International School
- Mitra Sinha Roy, Principal, Adamas International School
- Suchorita Poddar, Vice Principal, Adamas International School
- Sunil Biswas, Advocate, High Court, Calcutta
- Ayan Chakraborty, Advocate, High Court, Calcutta
The disciplinary committee may, either on its own, or upon receipt of complaint, may initiate proceedings and after giving opportunity to the concerned person to justify his/her act and/or action, take such remedial measures and or punitive actions which it may deem fit and proper for the better interest of the School. The order of the disciplinary committee shall be binding upon the staffs, students and parents.