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ENGLISH                                                                                 07

                      It’s summer              The Red Lady                           four year old who had
                      now. All  the                                                   come      with     her
                      trees    are                                                    grandmother. The oldie
                                    a semul tree. Of course,  paleness of the sky.
                      burning       I had no idea that it was  One February afternoon,  was chatting with her
                      bright in the  called a semul tree. All of  unable to resist myself, I  friends on a bench like
           Sun, but none look so    its identity vaporized into  set  out  to    the  every day.  The young
           lovely as the semul tree  a streak of positivity. A  neighbourhood where   girl had dark eyes like
           did    that    random    deep brown trunk with    the tree resides to take a  that of a blackbird, and
           February evening.        shining red blossoms in  closer look at her.  The  her  mouth     slightly
           I had board exams since  the fag end of winter,   sky was launching dusk   opened on finding an
           mid-February so my       standing tall amidst a   when I stood under the   adult   scouring   the
           heart had been a         rainbow of death. Praise  tree and looked up to   ground for untouched
           tangled mess of nothing  be the Lord!             savour my lady in        red blossoms. She didn’t
           since December. Poring   As time progressed, the  honour.  To my horror,   mind though, and we
           over the same syllabus   tree   became     more   the red became shadow    spent a happy quarter of
           and countless books      enigmatic to me – the    underneath her.  There   an hour doing what kept
           had transformed me to a  source     of     such   were blossoms on the     her occupied and gave
           cynic.    Winter     is  elegance, joy and hope   ground which had been    me        unspeakable
           unforgiving     though   couldn’t possibly be     stepped on by young      euphoria.
           snowflakes are beautiful                          lovers,  the   crimson   I tried to click pictures of
                                    granted to human eyes.                            my    lady   with   my
           and   wondrous.    The                            turning stale with shoe-
                                    She was ‘The Red Lady’                            smartphone. Lovers and
           neighbourhood      was                            marks. They were those
                                    and    I    was    her                            senior citizens alike
           sunk in a bucket of grey                          lovers who sat on the
                                    undeserving suitor. She                           stared at me as if I was
           and the torpor was                                benches to enjoy the
                                    was the quintessential                            an alien but I steadfastly
           perfect for me to study –                         solitude of Mother’s lap,
                                    lover –dressed in red,                            ignored them. The light
           winter afternoons spent                           while she cried in agony.
                                    supportive    of    my                            was all wrong in the
           in isolation.  The world  drudgery         while  I tried saving one flower  pictures so I just feasted
           outside   my    window                            for my study table. In   my senses on my red
           consisted of a lake      challenging         the  this, I was joined by a  lady. I tried hugging her
           bordered with several                                                      but her slender trunk
           trees and benches, a                                                       was ridden with ants.
           road beyond and two-                                                       She wasn’t mine but
           storied      residential                                                   look at how everyone
           buildings.         The                                                     ignored her! I stomped
           streetlights were the                                                      off the place in disgust,
           only sign of modernity in                                                  brimming with anger at
           the quaint surroundings.                                                   humanity           and
           Since they didn’t turn on                                                  technology.
           till half-past five, I could                                               The lady lost her flowers
           relaxedly write poetry in                                                  in late March. I watched
           the form of my History                                                     in dismay as many other
           notes.                                                                     trees bloomed in their
           But the calmness soon                                                      glory, spreading gaiety
           turned to nothingness                                                      and colour all around.
           during the long hours of                                                   But   none    are   as
           my preparation. On one                                                     beautiful as the semul
           of my black days, I                                                        tree   that   February
           looked    outside   my                                                     evening when I realized
           room’s   window    (my                                                     that nature gives and
           study table was attached                                                   gives even when no one
           to my window, which                                                        is watching. And no one
           was     really    more                                                     can capture her.
           distracting        than
                                                                                      Riti Bhattacharya
           soothing) when I spotted
                                                  Sowmya Das, VIII A (DS)
                                                                                      XII (Humanities)
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