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04                                                                                ENGLISH

             An Opportunity Of A Lifetime
                                                                    My Hope…My Solace

                                                                               My hope is in the memories,
                                                                               Of smiles and laughter,
                                                                               My hope is in believing
                                                                               That there's always a solution

                                                                    My hope are my friends,
                                                                    Which I have come upon on this road,
                                                                    My hope is in conversing,
                                                                    Sharing the heavy load.

                                                                    My hope is in my parents,
                                                                    Who have shown me the light to this
                       Let there reign Positivity. Consider this
                       situation to be a chance of FREEDOM for      They're the ones who give me,
                       those who have been imprisoned for so        What I will always rightfully deserve.
                       long; a chance for WISH FULFILLMENT; an
                       opportunity to KNOW and FEEL the             Whenever I lose hope,
                                                                    And think that there's no way back,
             presence of our HOME MATES; a golden chance to
             break free from the MATERIALISTIC FERVOUR that         A distant sound calls out to me saying-
             the world pushes us into each day of our normal lives.  "There's always a light in the pitch black".
             Let us appreciate and thank the FRONTIER               Rajarshee Mitter, VIII D (DB)
             WORKERS and FIGHTERS who have been constantly
             supporting and helping the human race to thrive.

             Suptoththita Mukherjee VIII B (DS)
             Hopeful Hearts

             Hope, a peculiar word that has a number of meanings
                             But the most common being,
                       a feeling for a particular thing to happen.
                              But it is not always canon                  Debapriya Majumdar, VIII-C (DB)
                                  to use this word,                 Hope
                     as there are a number of meanings unheard,
               Which people can interpret in innumerable ways.                 HOPE  is that you will carry ,
                     While some can make out an essay                          Hope is that will, to carry on.
                            of different meanings                              When you are down and out
                        And others may find it cliché.                         in life
                         But I think we can all agree,                         Hope is that flame that burns;
               that there is only one universal meaning that thee,  When there is darkness all around,
                and everyone considers the true meaning, that       Hope is that smile, which brightens,
             Hope is the feeling to want something to happen and    Even a dull day in your life.
             that is the true meaning that everyone acknowledges.   Hope is that dream that you can fulfill
                                                                    When you are ready to strive,
             Aaron Sarbagna VIII A (DS)
                                                                    Hope is that freedom when you are caged
                                                                    That you will find a way in life.
                                                                    So, don’t lose hope in life
                                                                    As that is the only way to live.
                                                                    Just keep the hope alive !
                                                                    Vansh Kaushik, VIII-D (DB)
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