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12                                                                       KIDS' CORNER

             A Grand Tribute to Tagore

             The junior section of                                                     The parents got so
             Adamas    International                                                   enthusiastic that they
             school      celebrated                                                    made videos of their
             Rabindra Jayanti in a                                                     ward's performance and
             unique   way.All   the                                                    forwarded         them
             teachers & children from                                                  personally to the online
             toddlers to class 2                                                       teachers.In short, the
             embraced           the                                                    occasion was celebrated
             occasion.The teachers                                                     virtually but in a grand
             draped themselves in                                                      way.The  co-ordination
             sarees and briefed the                                                    between             the
             children regarding the                                                    teachers,parents & the
             Nobel    laureate.They                                                    children   made     the
             also sang songs like                                                      celebration a grand
             Phule     Phule,Aamra                                                     success.
             Shobai Raja and recited                                                   Mayuri          Sarkar,
             poems as well.                                                            Kindergarten teacher.

                                                 KID’s Canvas

                                                Rianshi Chatterjee, KG D (DB)

                  Kanishka Naskar, I D (DS)                                        Sayanprovo Roy, KG D (DB)
                                                 Ojasvi Chatterjee, KG D (DB)

                         Samadarshi Maitra, KG D (DB)                      Avipsa Ghosh Hajra, II B (DS)
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